Charges Filed Against Former Deputy Sheriff Ayler Cruz
ORLANDO, FL – This morning, our office filed charges against former Deputy Sheriff Ayler Cruz for perjuryin official proceeding, perjury when not in an official proceeding, and battery. It is important to note that as aresult of this incident, Ayler Cruz is no longer with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. The State Attorney’s Office is grateful for the cooperation of Sheriff John Mina and the Orange County Sheriff’s Office regardingthis matter. The commitment to victims of crime in the 9th Circuit by both of our agencies, no matter theidentity of the accused, is paramount to successful community partnerships.
The Sheriff’s Office and the State Attorney’s Office are also specifically committed to building relationshipsof mutual trust between law enforcement and the communities that they serve. Part of that effort will beholding all perpetrators of crime accountable, including members of law enforcement, where fairness andjustice requires. These endeavors are critical to maintaining public safety, as well as effective policing, for thebenefit of all citizens of Orange and Osceola Counties.
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