Attorneys & Law Enforcement

Electronic Service of Documents

All electronic service of court documents should be sent to the appropriate division email address for the case:

Email service must be completed in compliance with Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.516.

  • The email subject line must contain “SERVICE OF COURT DOCUMENT” in all capital letters followed by the case number (the case number should use the Uniform Case Number format as used by each county eg. 48-2018-CF-999999-A-O for Orange County and 49-2013-CF-999999 for Osceola County).
  • The body of the email must include: The court in which the proceeding is pending, the case number, the name of each party, the title of each document served, and the sender’s name and telephone number.
  • Documents attached must be in PDF format.
  • The email and attachments cannot exceed 5 megabytes in size.

Viewing Evidence

The State Attorney’s Office does not maintain an evidence room. Attorneys wishing to view evidence on a case must contact the law enforcement agency that gathered the evidence.

For Law Enforcement

Parking is available for Marked Units in the Cop Lot located behind the courthouse. Contact your agency head for the entry code. If driving an unmarked car to court, place a card with a mobile number to prevent being towed from the lot.